Garadget-Alexa Skill Beta Discussion

Hey Chris,

Sorry, I thought you were an employee of Garadget.

When I tried to setup IFTTT is required that I pick a service and only Garagio was listed.

How can I ask Garadget to implement this? I thought that was what I was doing until now.



To those that are having trouble getting the skill to open or close the door, and if Alexa is saying, “For security, I cannot open the garage door without authorization. Please see your Alexa app for instructions on how to open the garage door.”, you need add a dash (-) to your garage door name. I had the same problem and tracked it down in the help area.

Nope, as soon as I release a new build the changes are there for everyone.

You can send a message to the user Garadget here.
I’m sure Denis will be happy to help.

The “-” for authorising opening is only temporary for the beta. By the time the skill is released there may possibly be a switch in the Garadget mobile app to turn Alexa authorisation on.

You can use IFTTT with garadget using the Maker channel. Instructions are here: Using Garadget in IFTTT's recipes

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A new beta has been uploaded. I’ve cleaned up some minor issues.

The icons are now visible on the Alexa app Home page.

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Looking good and works like a charm, Chris.

I’m a single door user and it’s been working great. Thanks Chris for the continuing efforts in updating and maintaining your Alexa Skill.

Is it just me, or is there a reason that I can’t see the icons in the Alexa app? Where exactly are they located? Maybe I’m slow.

using skill 2 - 3 times a day opening and closing each time, I have had no issues.
Thanks once again, any time line for releasing then app into the wild? My wife just
installed a iphone app that allows her to use the iphone as a Echo and she
would like to install the skill when it becomes available no hurry just thought I would

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Hi guys, how can i access the garadget beta skill?

Thanks in advance

While @Chris is putting finishing touches on the first release of the Amazon Echo Skill, anybody interested can jump on IFTTT based Alexa option. More info about Garadget’s IFTTT Channel.

Thanks everyone for the feedback during the beta testing. I’m working on release soon. I’ll keep you informed.

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Many thanks for all your hard work on this skill, Chris. It’s been working extremely well ever since installation.

Thanks for the echo integration. I have been using the voice commands now for weeks to months now. The most difficult part is just getting the commands right. I have been able to open and close both doors and check for simple status on a regular basis.

During submission of the Garadget-Alexa skill to Amazon, Amazon requested, amongst other things, written authorisation from Garadget for me to use the Garadget brand and icons as the skill was NOT written by Garadget.

Although throughout development Garadget never expressed concern about branding (they were asked twice) and freely supplied the icons used by me, they refused to supply Amazon authorisation. Garadget required that the effective ownership of the code be transferred to them and the skill published under their name, removing my intellectual property rights. However, they would “graciously” allow me to continue developing “their” code.

This is unacceptable to me and therefore this Alexa skill will not be published.

Thanks to all for the beta trial and feedback.

Chris, thanks for your great work on the Echo skill.
It is unfortunate we weren’t able to find an agreeable arrangement.
Until another option becomes available, Garadget users can rely on Alexa integration via IFTTT.

In short, Amazon’s trademark requirements put us in front of following choices (Chris, correct me if I’m misrepresenting the situation):

  1. Publish the skill as non-official community contribution - accepted by me, rejected by Chris mainly because single word invocation “Garadget” would not be permitted.

  2. Publish the skill as official Garadget software - accepted by me with non-revocable technical means to oversee the development. Accepted by Chris as long as he retains the complete control of the system. We couldn’t find the arrangement that would satisfy all the requirements.

  3. Not publish the skill - chosen course of action.

Garadget has no interest in taking over the ownership of any of the community-contributed intellectual property, but the liability that comes with the official status of the software has to come with the way to review and revoke the code if at any point it doesn’t meet security or privacy expectations. The access is also necessary to ensure the availability of the service and provide the customer support.

Garadget’s branding is allowed in community-contributed software but it doesn’t imply sponsorship or official endorsement.

Amazon just needed a letter to say you were ok with me using the branding.

I asked you twice early in development to use the branding and you agreed. I asked to use icons and you provided them.

Why did you change your mind just before release and make a grab for the code?

Very sad.


No change of mind on my part. I’m not opposed to the use of the Garadget’s branding in community contributed clients and I provided the icons to all third party developers who asked. I also have no interest in taking over anybody’s code and happily open mine. I just can’t take the risk of endorsing your code as official Garadget software without having any oversight.

Publish it as community contribution or suggest some other way for me to not take the blind liability and I’ll be all over it.