How do I control/monitor my doors through my windows laptop?

I have the door opener installed and working with my android phone, but I would like to monitor it from my laptop. How do I do this?

You can login into the web interface.

Thank you, that’s what I was looking for.

Why when I type does it redirect me to the tindie web site?

Still need a product website. One of these days…

Yes, I simple index would be a huge help. My biggest frustration setting up the device has been finding information. Most everything I need to know is right here, but it takes forever to find it. I guess my search skills need improved too. So next question: where do I find a description of the items in settings?

Re. searching: see the list of tags in the header. That provides the shortcut to the various discussions.
There are links to some of the key topics in the setup instructions, including the settings explanation.

The web interface doesn’t seem to work from Win10, I’m using IE and all the web app does is take me to the registration page. I have tried login in with the account I used to setup the device and have even registered a separate email account to no avail. Does this work at all?

Indeed, there appears to be cross domain access issue in IE that was is not present in other browsers.
I’ll get this on the list, meanwhile please use Chrome or Firefox.