Dim laser false alarms

Does heat affect the laser? It gets about 110 degrees in my garage during the day. Mines been working good but the last week the laser really seems to be faded out even at night with no light in my garage.


Please try a different power adapter. Any USB charger will work for this. Does that affect the laser brightness?

No it does not make it any brighter I tried a couple different blocks and cables

Do you get a better laser brightness when it cools off at night?
BTW: laser can be replaced if it fails.

It gets a little better but it’s still like 90 in my garage when I get up at 5 am

We have 95 deg outside so garage is probably 115, but there is no significant degradation of laser performance. I’d check if the lenses are clear and unobstructed. Sometimes insects make home there.
If everything else checks out then it may need a new laser.

I’ve tried everything I’ve cleaned it replaced the reflector everything and it’s worse now as it gets darker 2% ambient light and 3% reflection pretty sure the laser is bad

Do you want to send it in for service?
Arrangements in PM.

Yeah I will send it in. Thanks