Garadget-Alexa Skill Beta Discussion

Yes that’s what I’m referring to. I want to be able to say Alexa open the garage door. IFTTT would allow us to do that and many other things. If you get a few minutes go check out their website. This is definitely something you guys should consider integrating with and your competition is already. Thanks very much, Jon

Can only be accessed via the link and is not searchable or public

Thank you jwmckeever, that has helped a lot.

What I found was that the Alexa Voice Service AVS sends the door name not as “one” or “two” but as the numbers 1 and 2. My code was looking for the names you have set in the Garadget app which I would guess was ONE and TWO. They don’t match. I’ve changed the code to accept numbers and names so can you please try again. The changes have been uploaded.

I’ll look at the “cancel” response also a little later.

Thanks again.

Can I ask all in the beta to please not change any of the developer configuration for Garadget.
Any changes you make to the linked dev account affect all beta tester.


Firstly, I should make it clear that I am not an employee of Garadget. I fitted one to my garage opener, got it to work with Alexa, and want to share.

As for IFTTT, I had the impression that it will allow you to open and close but you can not ask for information about the door, no “is it open or closed” type commands, no dialog. Is that true?

Perhaps talk to Garadget about implementing in IFTTT.

New release of the skill available now includes the return of “is the door open” type commands and fixes for the multi door open and close.

Alexa will now recognize Garadget better, as in “Alexa ask Garadget to …” command will be responded to.

Is there anything special we need to do to pick up the new skills?

Hey Chris,

Sorry, I thought you were an employee of Garadget.

When I tried to setup IFTTT is required that I pick a service and only Garagio was listed.

How can I ask Garadget to implement this? I thought that was what I was doing until now.



To those that are having trouble getting the skill to open or close the door, and if Alexa is saying, “For security, I cannot open the garage door without authorization. Please see your Alexa app for instructions on how to open the garage door.”, you need add a dash (-) to your garage door name. I had the same problem and tracked it down in the help area.

Nope, as soon as I release a new build the changes are there for everyone.

You can send a message to the user Garadget here.
I’m sure Denis will be happy to help.

The “-” for authorising opening is only temporary for the beta. By the time the skill is released there may possibly be a switch in the Garadget mobile app to turn Alexa authorisation on.

You can use IFTTT with garadget using the Maker channel. Instructions are here: Using Garadget in IFTTT's recipes

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A new beta has been uploaded. I’ve cleaned up some minor issues.

The icons are now visible on the Alexa app Home page.

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Looking good and works like a charm, Chris.

I’m a single door user and it’s been working great. Thanks Chris for the continuing efforts in updating and maintaining your Alexa Skill.

Is it just me, or is there a reason that I can’t see the icons in the Alexa app? Where exactly are they located? Maybe I’m slow.

using skill 2 - 3 times a day opening and closing each time, I have had no issues.
Thanks once again, any time line for releasing then app into the wild? My wife just
installed a iphone app that allows her to use the iphone as a Echo and she
would like to install the skill when it becomes available no hurry just thought I would

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Hi guys, how can i access the garadget beta skill?

Thanks in advance

While @Chris is putting finishing touches on the first release of the Amazon Echo Skill, anybody interested can jump on IFTTT based Alexa option. More info about Garadget’s IFTTT Channel.