Overriding co trol

I have a problem when someone in my user group uses the garage door remote rather than the app.
What happens is the door then shows on the app as closed whe the door is open and vv. It takes an eternity to try and reset it - any ideas

Is this on Android or iOS?
Do you get correct reporting right away in the web app?

I am using iOS

The problem from what I. An see is a recent one.

The responsiveness of the status updates is the subject to the connection quality/latency on both ends (Garadget and phone). To isolate the issue, please check the web interface and see if you experience the same delayed update.

The same thing occurs. In fact on the web app it never shows that the door is opening and that it is always closed. The same thing is now occurring on the IOS app as well

If same issue occurs with the web app then it is likely caused by the unreliable communication on either phone side or Garadget side. Please PM me the device ID of your Garadget and I’ll check the server logs for disconnects.