2 users on same account

Is it possible for me and my partner to log into the same account so we can both operate the 2 Garaget units I have through separate mobile devices?

Yes, you can login to the same account on as many devices as you need.
In the app, please make sure to select “already have account” instead of going through the registration wizard.

Hi Denys, we have logged in on the other mobile phone and it takes me straight to the add device page as if I’m setting up the units from scratch.

Make sure to select “already have account”.
The initial form you see when the app loads is the registration for the new account.

Excellent Denys, all sorted thanks. Great customer service as always.

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My wife and I have had the Garadget app on our Android phones for 2 years. I don’t think it’s always been this way, but now when one of us changes alert settings, those changes also happen on the other phone. Is it not possible to have different alert settings on 2 different phones used to control the same garage door? I would like to get open/close alerts, she doesn’t.