Adding other phones/users

What is the best way to enable other phones/users to use Garadget? I have my phone setup with my old craftsman opener and all is working well. Now, how to setup my wife’s phone - a) just use the same account or b) create another account and sync with same Garadget? I’m guessing the former but wanted to ask.

Yes, you can install Garadget app or access the web interface on additional devices and use your existing account credentials to login.

Thank you for supporting Garadget.

There should be a way to add additional users without having to give out your account credentials to everyone in the house who would need to open the doors using the app. It’s just good practice in any application to not have to share credentials. Security 101…


I agree, ideally there should be a way to only share a authentication token with limited scope. This is one of the items on the wish list for which the community can vote. As for now, users should use discretion when it comes to sharing the access and limit it to family and trusted friends.

Please keep in mind that Garadget is not even a year old bootstrapped project so the effort and expenditures have to be prioritized.

Best for me would be a list of approved users that you can add / manage / delete, then get emails when they open/close from their device, history etc etc. Replaces a smart front door idea in my case then. Take it a large step further and be able to email out ‘digital key’, allow access time limits etc etc.


Something cool for the multiple users wish list is the ability to have different alert settings. Right now, I’m logged into the app on my phone and my wife’s phone, so the alerts are synced. It’s highly possible that multiple users would want different alert settings.

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it’s been more than a year and they still didn’t develop multi-user?? I just got this device, I was about to set up but I am stuck. This is a feature that I totally assumed it would be available. It is almost common sense. Just to give an example. Our neighbor across the street called us saying the garage door is opened. We didn’t know if someone broke in. Hack our door and was able to opened, and so on. I know that I closed it when I left. Right now we have Genie, my partner accidentally opened the garage from his phone and did not realize. If we did not have that, we wouldn’t know who did what.

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Is this something of a priority for the developers? what’s the estimated time of implementation. At least beta. I need to know this otherwise I will return this product.

So far the support for the cloud-less option was the top request and it’s where the resources were allocated. The updated MQTT-enabled firmware is now being beta tested and looking good.

Multi-account support is one of the higher priority items and it is next on the list. The implementation requires a significant re-write of the server side code and all of the native client apps so I can’t promise any firm timeline on that. I would suggest taking advantage of 30 days satisfaction guarantee if Garadget doesn’t meet your expectation as sold today.

Any update on this? Been waiting over a year now for the multiple account feature. This is basic functionality for an IoT device…

Hey there, has there been any movement on this? Would be a great addition without having to have issues with giving our passwords. Also it means i cant use the notifications as otherwise everybody will be getting all of them as it is synced per account.

What’s the status of this?

Anything updated with this additional users without sharing all of your credentials ?

This functionality is work in progress with ETA by the end of the year.


That’ll be awesome! And greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

Where are we at with the multiusers?

This is still in the plans, but not the highest priority.
Next target is native Google Home integration. Lots of the groundwork done for Google Home will also be re-used with multi-user and restricted accounts.