Does even one person have GPS working?

Everytime you click enable, it makes it seems as though it’ll work. Save and when you go back to check the settings it’s disabled.

All other applications on my phone work with gps… The problem very much seems to be the app and not the hardware as I can initiate some gps related commands via Alexa or ifttt

Please fix this!

Are you talking about the notifications? There are no other GPS related features in the app.
If you want the command, please consider IFTTT applet:

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I think you are talking about geofencing. I can’t get it to work either. I tried through IFTTT also. I found out trough Garadget help desk that they are working on getting the Garadget to show up as a device in Alexa so that we can work it into a routine. So just wait another year they should have it by then.

It’s a 10 to 15 minute delay before the door opens. It used to work so well last year. I miss the good old days.

I use the IFTTT applets that open the door when I pull into my subdivision and one for when I leave my street. Most days the arrival/open applet works fine. Sometimes it waits until I’m in my driveway before it opens. Still handy for my vehicle that lives outside and has no garage remote.

I have GPS (Geofencing) features working on my end. Granted, I’m the exception that I’m a software engineer and I wrote the app myself. I use the Geofency app on iOS and have Webhooks working with a Digital Ocean droplet, those commands get sent to my NAS, which is forwarded to the Garadget over local MQTT. It all happens seamlessly within a second.

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Can you get it to work on my NAS?