Expose Garadget Doors to Siri

With iOS 12 being out now, any chance of doors being exposed to Siri. This would allow you to toggle doors using 3D touch, and build custom siri shortcuts


I want this too

You can expose Garadget to siri by running Homebridge. I do this and am quite pleased with it. I get home, ask Siri to open the garage as I drive up to my house…

If you aren’t familiar with Homebridge, it allows one to integrate non-Homekit enabled gadgets to work directly with Homekit.

If you have a bit a tech acumen it’s really not that hard to enable. You can run it on a spare PC, Mac or Linux box. I just picked up a Raspberry Pi, installed noobs, and then Homebridge. Works like a champ! See this post, it’s what I used : HomeKit Integration with Homebridge-Garadget Plugin

HTH - best…Sean

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