Garadget Skill for Amazon Echo (Alexa)

In a future iteration of the skill would it be possible to toggle the ability to perform open/close operations? I’d like to be able to ask Alexa for the status of the door (make sure it is closed) when I’m lying in bed wondering if I left it open, but I don’t really have the desire to open/close via voice.

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Echo skills were working perfectly after the official launch… and now any Garadget based command I request through Alexa does not work. Her response is always "access denied."
Nothing’s changed in my end (i.e. Password or other security protocols).
Your thoughts?

Did you try to un-link and re-link the service connection from the skill?

I was wondering if it would be possible to eliminate the “ask Garadget” part of the commands. It would be much more intuitive to just say “Alexa, open garage door”

Unfortunately it’s not an option at the time.

“Ask/Tell name” is how Echo knows which skill/application to call. There’s a general home automation handler which doesn’t require the use of invocation phrase, but at this time it only offers turn on/off and lock/unlock type commands, but no open/close.

Then how about instead of garadget to call up the skill, maybe use the word “garage” then you could use a phrase like “Alexa, Tell Garage to open”. Just a thought.

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Thanks for your idea, unfortunately it bumps against requirement #2 from the amazon’s documentation:

One-word invocation names are not allowed, unless the invocation name is unique to your brand/intellectual property.

Ok. I’ll survive. Still with the Alexa skill and the IFTtt applets, it’s a pretty cool product.

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Your suggestions are very much appreciated.
When/If Amazon allows open/close or other suitable commands in their home automation evocations, I’ll add support for the simpler call in the Garadget skill.


please find attached a possible german translation for your index.js:

const a_languageStrings = {
'en-US': {
    translation: {
        SKILL_NAME: 'Garadget Voice Control',
        WELCOME_MESSAGE: 'Willkommen zu Garadget - die Sprachsteuerung fuer Ihre Garage. Sie koennen Garadget zum Oeffnen oder Schliessen Ihrer Garagentore nutzen oder auch den aktuellen Status abfagen ... Lass es uns versuchen!',
        WELCOME_MESSAGE_RETRY: 'Probiere es mit: Schliesse alle Tore, oder Wie ist der Status von Tor eins.',
        HELP_MESSAGE: 'Mit diesem Skill koennen Sie alle mit Garadget ausgeruesteten Garagentore steuern und ueberwachen. Bitten Sie Garadget Tore zu oeffnen oder zu schliessen und auch den aktuellen Status und vergangene Ereignisse abzufragen. Wenn Sie mehrere Tore eingerichtet haben, so koennen Sie diese mit dem Namen oder einer fortlaufenden Zahl auswaehlen. Nutzen Sie Befehle wie, Alexa, bitte Garadget das Tor \'Vorne\' zu schliessen ... oder, Alexa, frage Garadget nach dem Status von Tor eins.',

        STOP_MESSAGE: 'Danke und bis bald!',

        WORD_YES: 'ja',
        WORD_NO: 'nein',
        WORD_AND: 'und',

        COMMAND_OPEN: 'oeffne',
        COMMAND_CLOSE: 'schliesse',
        COMMAND_STOP: 'stoppe',

        STATUS_OPEN: 'offen',
        STATUS_OPENING: 'wird geoeffnet',
        STATUS_CLOSED: 'geschlossen',
        STATUS_CLOSING: 'wird geschlossen',
        STATUS_STOPPED: 'gestoppt',
        STATUS_OFFLINE: 'nicht mit dem Internet verbunden',

        STATUS_ALREADY_OPEN: 'Tor \'%s\' ist schon offen.',
        STATUS_ALREADY_OPENING: 'Tor \'%s\' wird schon geoeffnet.',
        STATUS_ALREADY_CLOSED: 'Tor \'%s\' war schon geschlossen.',
        STATUS_ALREADY_CLOSING: 'Tor \'%s\' wird schon geschlossen.',
        STATUS_ALREADY_STOPPED: 'Tor \'%s\' bewegt sich zur Zeit nicht.',

        CONFIRM_ALL_OPENING: 'Es werden alle Tore geoeffnet.',
        CONFIRM_ALL_CLOSING: 'Es werden alle Tore geschlossen.',
        CONFIRM_ALL_STOPPING: 'Stoppe alle Tore.',
        CONFIRM_SINGLE_OPENING: 'Oeffne.',
        CONFIRM_SINGLE_CLOSING: 'Schliesse.',
        CONFIRM_ONE_OPENING: Oeffne %s.',
        CONFIRM_ONE_CLOSING: 'Schliesse %s.',
        CONFIRM_ONE_STOPPING: 'Stoppe %s.',

        REPORT_ONE_OPEN: '\'%s\' ist offen.',
        REPORT_ONE_OPENING: '\'%s\' wird geoeffnet.',
        REPORT_ONE_CLOSED: '\'%s\' ist zu.',
        REPORT_ONE_CLOSING: '\'%s\' wird geschlossen.',
        REPORT_ONE_STOPPED: '\'%s\' wurde gestoppt.',
        REPORT_ONE_OFFLINE: '\'%s\' ist zur Zeit nicht erreichbar.',
        REPORT_ONE_ERROR: '\'%s\' reagiert nicht.',

        REPORT_ALL_OPEN: 'Es sind alle Tore offen.',
        REPORT_ALL_OPENING: 'Alle Tore werden geoeffnet.',
        REPORT_ALL_CLOSED: 'Alle Tore sind zu.',
        REPORT_ALL_CLOSING: 'Alle Tore werden geschlossen.',
        REPORT_ALL_STOPPED: 'Alle Tore gestoppt.',
        REPORT_ALL_OFFLINE: 'Alle Tore sind nicht erreichbar.',
        REPORT_ALL_ERROR: 'Die Tore reagieren leider nicht.',

        HISTORY_OPEN: '\'%s\' ist offen seit %s.',
        HISTORY_OPENING:'\'%s\' wird geoeffnet seit %s.',
        HISTORY_CLOSED:'\'%s\' ist geschlossen seit %s.',
        HISTORY_CLOSING:'\'%s\' wird geschlossen seit %s.',
        HISTORY_STOPPED:'\'%s\' wurde gestoppt seit %s.',
        HISTORY_OFFLINE:'\'%s\' ist nicht verbunden seit %s.',
        HISTORY_ERROR: '\'%s\' reagierte nicht.',

        TIME_S: 'Sekunden',
        TIME_M: 'Minuten',
        TIME_H: 'Stunden',
        TIME_D: 'Tage',

        CARD_TITLE_COMMAND: "Garadget Kommandos",
        CARD_TITLE_STATUS: "Garadget Status",
        CARD_TITLE_HISTORY: "Garadget Report",

        ERROR_NO_COMMAND: 'Bitte versuchen Sie folgende Kommandos \'oeffne\', \'schliesse\' oder \'stoppe\'.',
        ERROR_BAD_COMMAND: '\'%s\' ist kein gueltiger Befehl. Probieren Sie: Oeffne, Schliesse und Stoppe.',
        ERROR_NO_DOORS: 'Ich kann dieses Tor nicht in Ihren Einstellungen finden. Bitte nutzen Sie die Garadget App zum Einfuegen eines neuen Tores.',
        ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED: 'Um diese App zu nutzen muessen Sie sich bei Garadget registrieren. Bitte oeffnen Sie die Alexa App und verknuepfen Sie Ihren Amazon Account mit dem Garadget Account.',
        ERROR_BAD_NUMBER: 'Es gibt Tor Nummer %s nicht in Ihrem Account. Moeglich sind derzeit 1 bis %u.',
        ERROR_NOT_FOUND: 'Es gibt kein Tor \'%s\' in Ihrem Account. Moeglich waere: %s.',
        ERROR_PARTICLE: 'Es gibt leider ein Verbindungsproblem mit dem Garadgetserver. Bitte probieren Sie es spaeter noch einmal.',
        ERROR_UNKNOWN_TIME: 'Unbekannte Zeit'

Would be great to get this SKILL in Germany soon,

All the best,

Do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions or further translations.

Hi, @Napsterium,
Thanks so much for providing the translation for the skill responses. I’ll be happy to incorporate it into the skill to support German language. Can you please also look into translating invocation phrases and slot values.

Hi, @garadget,

I hope those files will help to kick-off a german GARADGET skill:

  1. slotValues-GARAGE_COMMANDS_GER.txt (25 Bytes)
  2. slotValues-GARAGE_STATES_GER.txt (95 Bytes)
  3. SampleUtterances_GER.txt (6,0 KB)
  4. slotValues-GARAGE_NAMES_GER.txt (184 Bytes)

Further (improved and extended) data will follow soon, as I will review different phrase possibilities with my family … and their are so many in german language :scream:

I assume a test run in advance would be a good idea, as I am not fully shure how specific words will sound in german context - specifically “slotValues-GARAGE_STATES.txt” I would like to understand more in detail and in advance, as those words migh sound “funny” in case of incorrect usage.

BTW; is it OK for you getting these files in attached format? If not send me a short reply what suits best for you.


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Hi @garadget,

something what just came to my mind regarding [COMMAND] activitors.
In Germany you can command with two kind of phrases each (generally):




Can you use it for your skill?

I assume it must be than;

COMMAND_OPEN: ‘oeffne’,‘oeffnen’,
COMMAND_CLOSE: ‘schliesse’,‘schliessen’
COMMAND_STOP: ‘stoppe’,‘stoppen’,’


yes, it is possible to make the skill recognize multiple variations of the same command (SampleUtterances and slot values). For the responses though, we’ll have to pick up one version, unless additional logic is justified to switch between multiple options.

Forgot to tell you it worked like a charm. Thanks again!

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I’ve added all your translation to the skill and ready to submit it for review. Thanks again for your contribution.
Can you please also supply translation for the publishing information:

Short Skill Description
A short description (160 character maximum) that displays in the skill list in the Alexa App.
In English we have: Alexa skill for Garadget - smart garage door controller

Full Skill Description
A description of the skill’s purpose and features, and how it works. Should describe any prerequisites like hardware or account requirements and detailed steps for the customer to get started. For Flash Briefing skills, list the feeds offered within the skill. Use a conversational tone and correct grammar and punctuation. This description displays to customers on the skill detail card in the Alexa app.

In English we have:
Control and monitor your Garadget-equipped garage doors.

Security Note: Currently Alexa does not authenticate the person issuing the request. Anybody within its hearing distance can command it to open your garage doors.

Example Phrases
Review your sample utterances that will appear on the skill detail card in the Alexa App. These phrases will help users get started and access your skill’s core functionality.

In English we have:

  1. Alexa, tell Garadget to close all doors
  2. Alexa, ask Garadget the status of workshop garage
  3. Alexa, ask Garadget about recent events

Keywords (Optional)
Search terms that you would use to describe your skill. This helps customers find your skill. Use spaces or commas in between terms.

In English we have: garage,door,home,automation,smart,home,garage,remote,garage,opener

Here we are:

Short Skill Description
A short description (160 character maximum) that displays in the skill list in the Alexa App.
In English we have: Alexa skill for Garadget - smart garage door controller

GERMAN: Alexa skill für GARADGET – die smartere Verbindung zur Garage

Full Skill Description
A description of the skill’s purpose and features, and how it works. Should describe any prerequisites like hardware or account requirements and detailed steps for the customer to get started. For Flash Briefing skills, list the feeds offered within the skill. Use a conversational tone and correct grammar and punctuation. This description displays to customers on the skill detail card in the Alexa app.

In English we have:
Control and monitor your Garadget-equipped garage doors.
Security Note: Currently Alexa does not authenticate the person issuing the request. Anybody within its hearing distance can command it to open your garage doors.

Fernsteuerung und Überprüfung Ihrer, mit GARADGET ausgerüsteten, Garagentore.
Sicherheitshinweis: Bisher authentifiziert Alexa nicht die Person, welche Sprachbefehle an Alexa sendet. Daher wäre es jedem in Hörnähe von Alexa möglich mittels Sprachbefehl Ihre Garage zu öffnen.

Example Phrases
Review your sample utterances that will appear on the skill detail card in the Alexa App. These phrases will help users get started and access your skill’s core functionality.
In English we have:

  1. Alexa, tell Garadget to close all doors
  2. Alexa, ask Garadget the status of workshop garage
  3. Alexa, ask Garadget about recent events


  1. Alexa, bitte GARADGET alle Tore zu schliessen
  2. Alexa, frage GARADGET nach dem Status von Tor eins
  3. Alexa, frage GARADGET nach den vergangenen Ereignissen

Keywords (Optional)
Search terms that you would use to describe your skill. This helps customers find your skill. Use spaces or commas in between terms.
In English we have: garage,door,home,automation,smart,home,garage,remote,garage,opener

GERMAN: Garage, Tor, Heimautomation, Smart, Heim, Fernbedienung, Garagentoröffner

Great … looking forward. I still assume, that some text phrase might have to be corrected, but I guess that can be corrected in a new revision.

Let´s see what comes next - and thank you Denis.

BJU (Boris)


…and we’re off to the skill approval stage.
Yes, we’ll be able to adjust things if something doesn’t quite sound right.
Thanks for your effort, Boris!

I would love to use this skill. I have it loaded in my Alexa and linked. The problem is I have no idea how to launch it. How does one pronounce "Garadget"
I tried “Garage get”, “Garad get”, “Gara D get” and “Garage T” and none are recognized. is there a YouTube or similar showing how to pronounce your brand name so I know how to say it?

How about this one: