That indicates that the issue is related to the weak signal level in Garage or radio interference.
The solutions are: adding the WiFi range extender to garage or adding external antenna to your unit.
I had this problem and was at the point of giving up and buying another solution. Even buying a wifi repeater good enough to watch a hi def movie in the garage made no difference. The problem is that the micro USB connector is of poor quality, so the unit loses power when it vibrates every time the door opens and closes. There are two short term solutions: 1. Buy a high quality USB to micro USB connector. 2. Or what a really cheap person like me does: tape the connector in tightly with insulation tape - I have had absolutely no problems since doing this.
But the proper solution is for Garadget to use a higher quality connector. (Garadget, I hope you see this - this saving of a few cents is ruining the impact of a wonderful product.
I have finally given up on my gardget after having it replaced because of a bad usb socket on the unit I insatalled a new nuit and it will work for maybe a half an hour then quits working and blinking. I got so frustrated with it and it’s inconsistancy I don’t trust it to work anymore and I simply ignore it. It’s a shame because the first unit I had worked perfectl and reliably until the socket went bad and I replaced it. I do not want a unit that is ubreliable and gives me false readings or no readings.
I cannot tell. But my guess would be the quality if the cable - it never felt like it snapped in firmly. It is now taped in thoroughly (and working perfectly), so I don’t want take it all apart to try a new cable. I suggest you take one of the units that you have had sent back for offline/online problems and try shaking it about until you find one with this problem… then try a top quality usb connector and see if that solves the problem.
I received my external antenna and installed it. I think the instructions for installing the DFU driver and updating the firm are a little out of date, but I was able to make some extrapolations and got it done. I turned my offline alerts back on and I haven’t received an offline alert since installing the antenna. My unit is now always online and trustworthy.
We have six phones with the app loaded. Can each person have a different account with a different set of alerts? Or can there be only one account with the device? I want to see all the alerts, but my kids don’t care when the door opens or closes.
I have also the offline problem 3 days after first installation. Where is the problem you talk about, usb micro connector at the cable end or the connector in the unit? Is it possible to cut the cable and solder vcc and gnd on the pcb? Or cut away some plastic from the case around the connector so that the cable connector realy get connected properly? What about the external antenna, in my delivery for about a week ago, an antenna was included! Shuld i bye a new antenna now?? In my garage i have a brand new AC AP in 4-5 meters from the garadget (no obstrucles or walls between). Wifi signal is hardly an issue for me… I have about 80-90 Mbit/s in both directions. Please give me some advice…
If your unit suffers from inconsistent power connection, you can send it back and I’ll repair or replace it (PM for arrangements and antenna).
[danger zone]
If you need an alternative way to supply 5V to the unit, it would be through the extension port in the back. From left to right facing the back of the Garadget while mount is facing down:
This is happening to me more and more. Huge issue since when it reconnects, HomeKit sends out two open closed notifications. Connecting this to homeassistant and then to HomeKit using the homebridge homeassistant plugin. Any way to see if the device actually lost power or if it was a connectivity problem? It’s becoming so frustrating I’m considering replacing it with another solution.
To test for the connectivity issue you can temporarily dismount the unit and power it up closer to the router to see if the re-connects continue. If this turns out to be power related, we can just exchange your unit. External antenna should help with RF related issues.
I would be highly surprised if it is a connectivity issue. My router is about 15 feet away from the Garadget. I’ve replaced the power cord and USB power adapter as well. It may go a day or two without an issue but I’ve gotten multiple offline notifications already today