iOS authentication issue

New to garadget but getting on well.

The app is working ok except for some authentication issues

Garadget 2 (1.0.7) on ios 12.1 on iPhone X

The app frequently logs out and I have to log back in - is there a setting to stop this?

If I turn the ‘authenticate --> TouchID’ option on, exit the app and then re-open then it crashed and I need to delete and reinstall to get it working. Reproducible 100%. I know I have FaceID, however it should just use this instead of ToucjID.


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I have the same issue.

I just replaced by iPhone 6S Phone with an iPhone XS Max and I’m now having the same issue. Worked well under the 6S Plus as it has Touch ID, but now with the XS Max it wouldn’t work with FaceID. Could perhaps the Fev look at updating the app to support FaceID?


Were you able to solve this problem?

I solved it two ways:

  1. The app was ported to a different framework at some point. (2023?)
  2. I went to the web control interface, reset my password, and then went to the app and logged in again.