Merlin Powerlift 2500

The above 2 remotes do not work, have new batteries, works on wall bell push, any ideas.
Do you know what the voltage is at the bell push,

This website is a support resource for the Garadget controller. It doesn’t look like your question is related to the this product.

As for your remotes, there may be a pairing process for allowing them to control your opener. Usually it’s a “learn” button on the motor that you need to press and then click on the remote. If you need further help with this issue, here are the general support resources for Merlin openers:

Merlin service centres

New Zealand
Auckland phone 09 415 4393
Phone toll free 0800 653 667 or 0800 MERLIN
Fax toll free 0800 653 663

NSW, Vic, Qld, WA
Phone toll free 1800 638 234
Fax toll free 1800 888 121

If this is about your remotes not working after you installed Garadget I had the same issue with a different opener. I separated the garage door antenna as far away as I could from all wires connected to Garadget and the controllers started working again.