MQTT time status only reports 0s

I set up MQTT only on my Garadget and everything seemed to work fine for a week or so. After getting it all integrated with my Home Assistant dashboard, I began noticing that the time status is always 0s. All other status components seem to be working just fine. Is this particular sensor faulty in my Garadget?


- platform: mqtt
  name: "Time"
  state_topic: 'garadget/Garage/status'
  value_template: '{{ value_json.time }}'
  icon: 'mdi:clock-outline'

Example MQTT message:

  "status": "closed",
  "time": "0s",
  "sensor": 97,
  "bright": 22,
  "signal": -57

This must be a firmware issue. I’ll get this on the list of issues to check.

@garadget - I can confirm I have the same issue.

Topic: garadget/<<name>>/status


Same here.

@garadget any update on the fix?

One workaround for this would be to publish to the topic /garadget/<Name>/command with a payload of get-status every so often with an automation.
This seems to work well with the status being reported correctly on topic /garadget/<Name>/status.

- alias: '[Garage] Get Status'
  description: Query Garadget Status every 30 Seconds
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /2
      payload: get-status
      topic: garadget/Garage/command
    service: mqtt.publish
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