Protect the app with pin code

Hi there, what if you loose your phone or somebody get access to your phone. I think it’s a must to secure the app with a pin code or unlock with fingerprint sensor. Any suggestions/ ideas?

There are a ton of these in the Play Store.

Thank for your suggestion. I’ll get it on the list to be considered for one of the future app releases.
In general, it is a sensible idea to secure the whole phone using system’s screen lock.

Thanks denis! Great product overall. Keep up the good work!

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Agree with these posters. If a kid picks up the phone, or I leave it on my desk at work, I don’t want them to be able to start playing with the door.

I’d like to see a twist on the requests above, though. What I suggest is that the user has the option to set the app to operate in view-only mode until unlocked. That way I can see all the alerts and status. But if I want to operate the door then I need to enter a PIN or use the fingerprint sensor.

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