HomeKit Integration with Homebridge-Garadget Plugin

Thanks heaps for the reply.

I’m a bit lost. As far as I can tell, I have the correct ID/Token.

Regarding the missing config, I assume I need to update that to the port, name and username to that of my homebridge?

I’m going to try attach a screenshot of my entire config.

Really appreciate the help

No looks like its there. How I get the token is by logging into garadget and inspect the page

Mine looks slightly different but definitely says access token:

Does this look like the right place?

I see the token has now changed since i last looked :frowning:

Yes, “/doorStatus?access_token=”
the token should look different each time just do not logout close the window and that token should work.

Argh, same thing unfortunately. (token expired).

No worries, i’ll have a play around thanks heaps for your help.
