Abruptly, at some point this week, the Garadget integration with Home Assistant has stopped working. It seems to connect to HASS but only shows the state of the door as open. The controls do not work either.
I can’t pinpoint if it is on this end or HASS. Any ideas?
I have messaged the integration author in HA’s community board. Hopefully, he can help with this issue. If he can not, then we’ll look at what else can be done. Please stay tuned.
Thanks. Same problem here. No problems from the new app (the old one is not working for me anymore) but integrations fails two days ago. Looking forward for your feedback.
I found the access token by going to the garadget web access page and logging in. Then right click on the page and select Inspect. Then select the Network tab. Look at the different HTTP messages being sent and you should find your access token in the url.
No luck… still says COVER Device not available Cover.garadget Yaml check output does say good config.Yaml file
platform: garadget (it shows a dot here but in the yaml it is a dash)
YOUR_DEVICE_ID: (device id is correct)
access_token: (token is correct )
name: Garage Door
[image containing device account credentials was removed by admin]